2024 우수디자인전문기업 '유망기업' 선정
대표 총괄 디자이너 상담 문의 | 010 4943 4445
2023 Soltop Co., Ltd. Satellite Measurement Equipment
제품디자인 ㅣ 기구설계 ㅣ 시제품제작 ㅣ 디자인출원
We have designed a marine receiver for use on ships. We have newly designed the external housing design to match the internal component specifications used in existing products, and we have designed it in the form of steel plates and aluminum in consideration of mass production in small quantities. Considering the environment used on ships, we have also proposed an additional idea of an upper/lower mounting frame method to prevent shaking, and we have designed it with a strong color sense with black and red color point lines.
산업디자인 전문회사 무니디자인
신고확인증 제 07582호
대표 | | | 문종찬 |
사업자등록번호 | | | 693-09-00810 |
Conatact | | | 010 4943 4445 |
| | moonydesign@naver.com |
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대표자 | 문종찬 | 사업자등록번호 | 693-09-00810 | copyright ⓒ moonydesign. all rights reserved. *본 사이트에 대한 무단 도용 및 복제 사용을 금지하며, 위반시 법적제재를 받을수 있습니다. |