2023 Page I Co., Ltd. AI Artificial Intelligence Plant Cultivator

제품디자인 ㅣ 3D도면설계 구체화 ㅣ 디자인출원

This is a modular plant cultivator with AI. You can grow plants to the size you want at home, and since it is modular, it can be used as a factory, so mass production is possible. It is designed with mass production in mind with a steel plate structure, and it cares for plants in real time to help them grow. It has a simple design with a black frame color.

산업디자인 전문회사 무니디자인

신고확인증 제 07582호








010 4943 4445

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산업디자인 전문회사  ㅣ 신고확인증 제 07582 호

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