2024 Contabelo Co., Ltd. Forward Crank Products

제품디자인 ㅣ 시제품제작 ㅣ 디자인출원

We participated in the only forward crank design project in Korea. In order to break away from the mechanical form, it was composed of organic curved lines, and in order to emphasize the crank concept of the bicycle, the soft lines were designed to be naturally connected. It was produced considering the CMF finish, and it was designed with a luxurious yet sporty shape by composing matte and glossy point lines. It is a mass-produced product aimed at export that created good results as a design at the 2024 Eurobike exhibition.

산업디자인 전문회사 무니디자인

신고확인증 제 07582호








010 4943 4445

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T | 070 5033 1108
E | moonydesign@naver.com

산업디자인 전문회사  ㅣ 신고확인증 제 07582 호

대표자  |  문종찬
사업자등록번호  |  693-09-00810 
copyright ⓒ moonydesign. all rights reserved. *본 사이트에 대한 무단 도용 및 복제 사용을 금지하며, 위반시 법적제재를 받을수 있습니다.