2024 PostMB Co., Ltd. License Plate Recognition Device Design

제품디자인 ㅣ 3D렌더링 ㅣ 3D이미지도출

This is a housing design for a parking management system. There is a camera on the front to control the vehicle through sensing, and the design was designed to allow for a sunshade to be installed on top of the camera to protect against sunlight and rain. The overall color was suggested using the brand color, and the functional elements were expressed in the design considering the solid and sturdy form. Considering the convenience of work and assembly, the design was carried out as a steel plate assembly type.

산업디자인 전문회사 무니디자인

신고확인증 제 07582호








010 4943 4445

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E | moonydesign@naver.com

산업디자인 전문회사  ㅣ 신고확인증 제 07582 호

대표자  |  문종찬
사업자등록번호  |  693-09-00810 
copyright ⓒ moonydesign. all rights reserved. *본 사이트에 대한 무단 도용 및 복제 사용을 금지하며, 위반시 법적제재를 받을수 있습니다.