2023 Newtons Co., Ltd. AI Health Training Equipment Design

제품디자인 ㅣ 3D렌더링 ㅣ3D영상

We designed a smart IoT personalized health training device. It was configured according to the characteristics of the health device, and the design line was set to fit the convenience of use with a 1:1 size ratio considering ergonomic elements. Considering the LCD display mounting part on the product side, the design was organized according to the thickness and installation and assembly, and it was configured with a round extrusion banding method so that it can match the interior space of the gym.

산업디자인 전문회사 무니디자인

신고확인증 제 07582호








010 4943 4445

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E | moonydesign@naver.com

산업디자인 전문회사  ㅣ 신고확인증 제 07582 호

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